It’s disheartening just how slapdash this one is: the X-Men films have always had enormous casts, but here they’re all so separate. But the very first mutant, En Sabah Nur (Oscar Isaac), is awoken from his millennia of slumber to cleanse and remake the earth to his design, and when Magneto is discovered by authorities once more, he joins Apocalypse’s side… It’s 1983, ten years after Erik Lensherr/Magneto attempted to kill President Nixon, and a young Scott Summers (Tye Sheridan) enters Xavier’s (James McAvoy) school for the first time, Mystique (Jennifer Lawrence) is searching for and freeing mutants from persecution, while Erik has found a new life and family in Poland. Apocalypse is splintered and bloated by comparison, losing the series’ unique prejudice angle in favour of a more generic ‘stop the Big Bad’ plot. First Class and Days of Future Past, the previous films in this reboot trilogy (no other franchise is this convoluted), felt interconnected, characters grew and regressed amidst difficult debates about how mutants could peacefully exist in society, if they could at all. X-Men: Apocalypse has some great scenes and possibly great character arcs, but ‘possibly great’ doesn’t cut it for a two-and-a-half hour superhero epic. Poster Design by Art Machine, a Trailer Park Company